Monse extension for RayCast

All your bank accounts

in Raycast for Mac

If you love Raycast

you're going to love Monse

Monse is a privacy-friendly application to manage all your bank accounts in just one place.

Download extension

Connect your banks

in one place only

and you can even add your cryptos or stocks to have all your wealth in one place only.

Banks available

See your latest transaction

and categorize them or add notes on the fly.

Categorize your transactions and add notes - Raycast extension for Monse

Track all your bank accounts

and see the current balance of them in a few seconds.

Track all your bank accounts - Raycast extension for Monse

Update your current balance

without releasing your keyboard.

Update current account balance - Raycast extension for Monse

Looks like you’re serious
about your finances!

Gain control of my finances Try for free and gain control of your finances.